This page is meant to answer questions about how I work.

Please email me with questions not answered below.

What services do you offer?

I offer individual one-on-one coaching; psychotherapy for individuals, and couples; group psychoeducation and professional-development workshops; and I am available to speak on my areas of expertise at corporate events.

How do I book an initial appointment with you and do I need a referral?

To book your first appointment please send me an email indicating the type of appointment you’d like to book. I reply to emails on Friday afternoons and will get back to you with my soonest availability. You do not require a referral to schedule an appointment with me.

Do you provide complementary consultations?

Because I am booked during my workdays, I am unable to find additional time to provide complementary consultations.

Do you offer reduced rates for those in need of financial assistance?

I aim to make my services as accessible as possible and welcome all individuals and institutions to reach out to discuss the possibility of receiving a reduced rate.

What is your cancellation policy?

I require at least 48-hours’ notice to cancel or reschedule an appointment in order to reallocate your appointment to another client. Appointments cancelled or rescheduled without 48-hours’ notification are charged in full. Appointments are in high demand and your early cancellation will give another client the possibility to gain timely access to my services.

I sent you a message and haven’t heard back, when should I receive a reply?

I am in back-to-back sessions throughout my workday and I'm only able to guarantee emails on Friday afternoons.

Do you work with clients outside the province of British Columbia?

BCACC and CCPA regulations require that I only provide psychotherapy to BC residents but I offer my coaching services internationally and currently provide telephone- and video-based appointments for clients in the US, Europe, South America, and Asia.

Will my insurance cover your services?

I do not accept insurance directly. However, I do provide receipts which you can submit to your insurance provider for reimbursement. Please check with your insurance provider to determine if they cover RCC or CCC designations.

Will my personal information be kept private and confidential?

Privacy and confidentially are cornerstones of my work. Only under specific parameters – such as substantial clear and imminent danger, current child-abuse, or a court subpoena – am I legally and ethically required to break confidentiality.

What are your credentials?

I am a member in good standing of the British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors (BCACC) and the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association (CCPA). If you are looking for a psychologist or a psychiatrist, please let me know and I’ll do my best to point you in the right direction.